Immigration Game

Žánr: Feature film / Trailer
Rok: 2015-2017
Minutáž: 01:39 min
Popis: An alternative version of Germany in the year 2016: The government has decided not to let any more refugees into the country. Only those who survive the televised "Immigration Game" will be admitted. For this, refugees have to cross a 30 km distance through Berlin city to the TV tower. The winner will get German citizenship. For the duration, the so-called "Runners" are fair game, and can be hunted and killed legally by all inhabitants of the city who have registered for the game. Unpresuming citizen Joe is in his car taking a phone call when suddenly an injured refugee approaches and pleas for help. In the ensuing fight, Joo kills one of the refugee's pursuers in self-defense and is subsequently sentenced to life. His only chance to avoid imprisonment is to become a Runner himself. The expecting father sees no other option than to take the risk.
Poskytovatel: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Práva: In Copyright / roundhousefilm GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Krystof Zlatnik
Typ dokumentu:
Language: de